How to permanently delete your facebook account ?

Ever wanted to permanently delete your Facebook account ? Here are the steps.

Quick link

Be sure to log in on Facebook using another window (Click here to do so) then click this direct link to permanently delete your facebook account :

How to find this link ?

This link is deeply hidden in the Facebook Help Center. Here are the 6 steps to find it :

  • click on ‘Account’ on the top right of the facebook page then select ‘Help center’
  • click on ‘Safety’ on the top left of the page
  • click on ‘Privacy FAQs’ on the bottom left of the page
  • click on ‘Deactivating, deleting and memorializing accounts’ in the middle of the page
  • click on ‘How do I permanently delete my account?’ in the middle of the page
  • click on ‘here’ in the 2nd part of the ‘How do I permanently delete my account?’ response
  • That’s it !

More about the deletion process

The deletion of a facebook account has 3 steps :

  • You request your account deletion (using the link at the top of this page)
  • You wait 14 days without logging in Facebook (*)
  • Your Facebook account is permanently deleted

(*) If you log in with your Facebook account during the 14 days of waiting, you will have the option (not the obligation) to cancel your deletion request.