The problem
When you create winform applications, doing tasks in the background is essential to avoid user frustation. Unfortunatly, it could make you write a lot more code. Here are some utility methods that reduce the complexity of asynchronous calls within windows forms.
Within you base class
You probably have a common base class for all your UI components. Add these methods :
namespace TestWinForm
public class BaseForm : Form
// Execute some code in async mode.
// When it's done, it calls the nextStep delegate, eventually with
// an exception catched during the main action.
protected virtual void Async(Action action, Action nextStep)
new Thread(delegate()
Exception exception = null;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
ThreadSafe(() => { nextStep(exception ); });
// This allows a sub class to easily run a method within
// an UI thread without the need of creating multiple
// delegate signatures for each method signatures
protected virtual void ThreadSafe(MethodInvoker method)
if (InvokeRequired)
Within your UI classes
Now the only thing you need to do is to encapsulate the methode content with the Async() method :
namespace TestWinForm
public partial class MainForm : BaseForm
public MainForm()
// Here is the async trick :
// - UI will NOT freeze,
// - you can add beautifull animated gifs
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime? result = null;
() =>
result = GetComplexDate();
(ex) =>
if (ex == null)
textBox1.Text = result.Value.ToShortDateString();
textBox1.Text = ex.Message;
// This is the slow, data-intensive task :p
private DateTime? GetComplexDate()
return DateTime.Now;
The traditional way
Just in case you didn’t get it. This is what you should NOT DO:
// This was traditional way :
// - UI will freeze until during 3 second ...
// - you users will complain
// avoid this !
private void button1_Click2(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox1.Text = GetComplexDate().ToShortDateString();
catch (Exception ex)
textBox1.Text = ex.Message;
Happy coding !
How could this be modified to allow the user to automatically cancel the previous async call and start a new async call (with new params) by clicking the button again?
Hi Mark,
This could be achieved with the following : containing all current calls
– create a static dictionary
– AsyncCall is a class containing :
* the caller (a Control eg: the button)
* the thread that executes the code
In the Async() method, add a new instance of call at the begining and remove it at the end.
If there is already a call with the same caller, kill its thread, remove it from the collection and do a normal call.
Was it clear enough ?
Copy paste your code from BaseForm, I got error said : Delegate ‘Action’ does not take 1 arguments.